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How to Add TXT Record to your domain DNS Records
Title: A Step-by-Step Guide to Adding TXT Records to Your Domain DNS
Verifiable Letter needs you to add a randomly generated TXT record in your domain DNS records to verify your ownership the domain. TXT (Text) records are one of the DNS record types used for various purposes, such as domain verification, email authentication, and more. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of how to add the record to your domain DNS.
Step 1: Log into Your DNS Management Console
To get started, you’ll need to access your domain’s DNS management console, typically provided by your domain registrar or hosting provider. This is where you can make changes to your DNS records.
Step 2: Locate the Domain
In your DNS management console, find the specific domain for which you want to add the record. It should be listed in your dashboard or control panel.
Step 3: Access the DNS Records Section
Once you’ve located your domain, look for an option or tab that leads you to the DNS records section. This is where you can view and modify the DNS records associated with your domain.
Step 4: Add a New TXT Record
In the DNS records section, you’ll find a list of your current DNS records. To add the record, look for an option like “Add Record,” “Add DNS Record,” or something similar, depending on your DNS management interface.
Step 5: Configure the TXT Record
When adding a TXT record, you’ll need to provide the following information:
Name or Host: Enter the hostname or subdomain to which you want to attach the TXT record. This can be left blank if you’re adding a TXT record to the root domain (e.g.,
TTL (Time to Live): TTL determines how long DNS resolvers should cache the record. You can usually leave this at its default value.
Type: Choose “TXT” or “Text” from the list of record types.
Value or Text: In this field, enter the TXT value copied from your account domain verification page.
Step 6: Save the Record
After configuring the record, look for a “Save,” “Submit,” or “Add Record” button, depending on your DNS management interface. Click this to save your changes.
Step 7: Verify the TXT Record
Once you’ve added the TXT record, click Verify on the domain verification page. Please note that it may take some time (sometimes a few minutes to 48 hours) for the changes to propagate throughout the DNS system. It may reflect within few minutes. Otherwise, you can leave the domain verification page and return after few hours to retry Verification.
Alternatively, you can use online DNS lookup tools to check if your TXT record is properly configured and propagated.

Adding the record to your domain DNS is a fundamental task that enables you to verify ownership. Remember that DNS changes may take some time to fully propagate, so be patient as you wait for your record to take effect.
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